Are you sick & tired of being "Sick & Tired"?
Change your mind, change your diet, change your life!
Genetic Testing for Personalized Nutrition
Are you confused by all of the dietary advice you are bombarded with?
If you are looking for a scientific test to see what is best for YOUR body, that is now available to you.
DNA-based dietary advice has revolutionized the field of nutrition.
Click the button to learn more about this non-invasive genetic test.
Metagenics NutritionalSupplements
Here at Enlighten, as Holistic Nutritionists, we recognize that every living being is bioenergetically & biochemically unique, therefore every human can react differently to a situation than anyone else given the same diet, environment, supplement, therapy or work-out routine.
Food is our primary source of energy & sustenance and is the only fuel for cell building, growth and renewal.
We are thrilled to join you in your journey towards optimal health and to support you through our various modalities and services.
You are what you absorb!
Consider that over 70% of our immune system lies within our digestive system (or our gut).
Did you know that we are made up of 10X more bacterial/viral/fungal cells than human cells?
The difference between health and illness starts with food choices and getting to the root cause of the problem.
Indeed, many illnesses can be reversed through diet and lifestyle habits.
We offer the following non-invasive modalities to enlighten, rebalance, and support you on your health journey;
Nutritional Counselling (with a Registered Holistic Nutritionist)
Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination
NUTRIGENOMIX genetic testing
Grocery Store Visits
Household Chemical Load Reduction Counselling
Order supplements directly from over 300 clinical-grade brands here.
Cold-pressed Black Cumin, Chardonnay Grape, and Black Raspberry Seeds form the base of this raw, whole food.
Soul & Core are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and filled with Omega-3 & 6 EFA's & will help your body boost it's immunity, improve brain health and reduce inflammation.
Click on the "RAIN" button to learn more.
Call, E-mail, or message us for a free consultation
Cherie Elliott BSc.(Hons.),R.H.N., RBIE
b 519 304 0130
c 519 861 1718